Chicken estofado is one filipino recipe where it becomes a favorite meal during fiestas. Without it , the table of food offered to visitors won’t be complete. A friend of mine shared to me this recipe. I tested it in my kitchen and it proved to be satisfying. Again, I am passing this to you who maybe interested in this recipe. Here are the ingredients you need.

1/4 kilo chicken tigh or breast chopped into 5 pieces

1/4 cup catsup

1 piece potato sliced into cubes

4 cloves garlic

1 clove red onion

1/4 tsp ground pepper

1/4 tsp salt

2 tbsps vinegar

1 tbsp soysauce

1 cup water

1 small can of pineapple chunks


1. Wash the chicken thorougly , place in a wok

2. Add garlic, onion, ground pepper and salt, vinegar and soy sauce

3. Let it simmer without adding water until cooked. Set aside.

4. Saute garlic until brown, and onion until wilted and add the potato and catsup.

5. Add the cooked chicken. Put 1 cup water.

6. Add small can of pineapple chunks.

7. Let it simmer until potato is tender.

8. Serve.


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