Black forest cake is mouth watering cake that you cannot resist the first time you try. We have many of these in Red Ribbon bakeshop or Goldilocks in the Philippines. Well, if you try to do it at home, you could save a lot on ingredients plus you enjoy eating this as dessert. A copy of this recipe is shared to my by my auntie. I tried doing it and it’s so satisfying. The more I take a bite, the more slices of this cake I consume. and I am sharing this to you.

Here are the ingredients.

CAKE FLOUR - 500 grams

Sugar -600 grams

Baking Powder-18g

Butter or butter flavored margarine - - —-300 grams

Eggs ——330 grams

vanilla ———–5 grams

Water———-266 grams

Cocoa Powder- 50 grams

Milk powder- 30grams]

Baking Soda 18grams


1. Cream butter and sugar using a hand mixer or a cake mixer

2. Add eggs one at a time still using the hand mixer

3.Mix gradually and alternately the remaining dry ingredients, like cake flour,baking powder, cocoa powder, milk powder and bakingsoda with water, and vanilla.

4. When the liquid and dry ingredients are properly mixed, prepare a baking tray with siding greased with vegetable shortening and place a wax paper where we pour the batter.

5. Pour the batter on the prepared tray.

6. Preheat oven to 250 degrees fahrenheit. When you reach this temperature, place the batter inside the oven.

and close oven door.

7. Wait for 20 minutes. Do not attempt to open the oven 5 to 10 minutes otherwise the cake will collapse.

8. Check to see if it’s done by inserting a stick into the cake. If it comes out clean, it means you now have a baked cake.

9. Remove from oven and invert tray. Remove also the wax paper and allow to cool.

10. Apply now th chocolate icing on all surfaces of the cake starting from top down to the sides. Here’s the chocolate icing that you have to prepare before hand.

200 grams all purpose flour

20 grams cocoa powder

1 can condensed milk

chocolate brown color just a dash of it

30 grams vegetable oil

2 tbsps cornstarch

to prepare the chocolate icing

1. In a double boiler. place the all purpose flour, cocoa powder, choco brown color, condensed milk. mix with a spatula. A double boiler has two same bowl with the first one on the bottom filled with water while the second bowl it’s where we put the flour mixture.

2. Place the boiler on top of a gas stove. Continue stirring with a wooden laddle until you would see that the condensed milk is cooked. Here you have to have patience in stirring as it will take time for the condensed to be cooked.

3. Add the vegetable oil and constartch. Be sure to dissolve in a small amount of water the constarch before adding to the mixture.

note: In applying for the chocolate icing,

1. First divide the cake into two. Set aside the cake particles removed while cutting.

2. Apply the icing on the first layer. Put the second layer cake. Apply again the icing.

3. Apply the cake particles all around the the first and second layer.

4. Apply on top of the cake whipping cream and decorate with strawberries.

OR simply.

1. Do not divide the cake. Just simply apply the chocolate icing all around the cake with the use of a spatula.


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