It’s fun cooking this simple recipe for breakfast and merienda or afternoon meals. Try this recipe. You will surely love to repeat cooking it. Here’s how to do it


Garlic. red onion, 1/2 kg of chicken breast boiled, ginger,ground pepper, salt, cooked quail egg of hard boiled egg,chicken soup stock

1. In a separate casserole, mix 3 cups rice of good variety with 1 cup glutinous rice(malagkit) in water of 5 to 6 cups and cooked it until half-done.

2. In a separate frying pan, saute 1 clove of garlic until lightly brown, red onion until wilted, finely chopped ginger until brown and add on to the rice mixture.

3. Continue stirring, add salt, ground pepper, chicken soup stock. chicken fillet. Taste mixture according to your taste and also if rice already done.

4. Serve the arroz -caldo with leeks as garnishing on every cup served.

5. You can place cooked quail egg or hardboiled egg on top of cup served.


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